segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2013


Tempos houve, já fazem uns assombrosos 10 anos que me fazem sentir que de facto não caminho para novo, em que a minha cabeça era ornamentada por longos caracóis loiros, e a minha face bastante mais redonda e com menos rugas era enquadrada por uma hirsuta barba. Conjunto de características que me valiam a alcunha de Jesus Cristo, pela familiaridade de feições partilhadas entre mim e a dita personagem.
Hoje, com menos barba e bem menos cabelo (outra coisa que me lembra que houve acidentes de percurso e mais uma vez do meu caminhar a passos largos para longe da minha juventude), sinto-me bem mais perto dessa personagem que nunca.
Depois de enfiar dois pregos nos pés, posso dizer que o senhor realmente deve ter sofrido um bocadito.

quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013


Time takes care of the wound, so I can believe.
You had so much to give, you thought I couldn't see.
Gifts for boot heels to crush, promises deceived
I had to send it away to bring us back again.
Your eyes and body brighten silent waters, deep.
Your precious daughter in the other room, asleep.
A kiss "Goodnight" from every stranger that I meet.
I had to send it away to bring us back again.
Morning theft, and pretender left, ungrateful.
True Self is what brought you here, to me.
A place where we can accept this love.
Friendship battered down by useless history,
Unexamined failure.
What am I still to you?
Some thief who stole from you?
Or some fool drama queen whose chances were few?
Love brings us to who we need,
a place where we can save
A heart that beats as both siphon and reservoir.
You're a woman, I'm a calf.
You're a window, I'm a knife.
We come together making chance into starlight.
Meet me tomorrow night, or any day you want.
I have no right to wonder just how, or when.
And though the meaning fits, there's no relief in this.
I miss my beautiful friend.
I had to send it away to bring her back again.